About Dr Alexander Marsh
Dr Alexander Marsh is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist, who specialises in understanding brain structure and function, and their links with behaviour in a clinical context. He is a Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Healthcare Professionals Council. Dr Marsh is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and holds professional membership with the Association of Clinical Psychologists UK. He is also a Full Member of the Royal Society of Biology. Alongside his private practice, Dr Marsh is the Lead Psychologist for the South Paediatric Neurosciences Operational Delivery Network in NHS England, is a Senior Clinical Academic leading on paediatric neuropsychology on the doctoral training programme at Cardiff University, and a Principal Clinical Psychologist in the Neurosciences Centre at Bristol Children's Hospital, where he is also operational lead for psychological research.
Dr Marsh's undergraduate training was carried out at Aston University and he completed his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with Cardiff University, where his thesis focussed on understanding how structural and resting-state functional magnetic resonance neuroimaging can support pre-operative cognitive evaluation in neurosurgery. He has undertaken additional post-graduate training (with distinction) in medical biosciences (with an emphasis in clinical neuroscience) at the University of Bath. Dr Marsh has also undertaken specialist training in paediatric neuropsychology at the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College London.
Dr Marsh’s first clinical post was in the regional neurosciences centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, as an Honorary Assistant Psychologist, in 2011. Subsequently, he has worked at several neuroscience centres and services across the country including:
Tier 1 Regional Rehabilitation Service at the Colman Centre for Specialist Rehabilitation
The Institute of Neurosciences at North Bristol NHS Trust, The Department of Paediatric Neuropsychology at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Department of Health Psychology at Aneurin Bevan UHB
The Department of Paediatric Neuropsychology at The Noah's Ark Children's Hospital for Wales.
Whilst in these posts, he has a number of notable achievements, including:
Contributing to guidance and pathway development of a newly designated Major Trauma Centre
Supported in the development of a new protocol for the assessment of Post-Traumatic Amnesia
Sat on a regional working group for the development of a clinical pathway and guidance for the assessment and management of patients in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness
Sat on a regional working group for the development of a clinical pathway and guidance for the assessment and management of patients presenting with behaviours that challenge due to neurological injury
Developed the Regional Paediatric Neuropsychology pathway for Young Persons with Epilepsy (AB UHB)
Supported in the development of a national model of Paediatric Neuropsychology Provision within Wales
He has also held a number of academic positions, relating to teaching and researching psychology and neurosciences:
Learning Development Associate, Aston University
Research Associate, University of Exeter
Honorary Teaching Associate, University of Bristol
Research Psychologist, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Honorary Senior Teaching Associate, University of Bristol
Visiting Lecturer, University of Bristol
During this time, he has supervised a number of post-graduate students and psychologists. He has worked on several clinical trials, including a trial examining the rehabilitation of childhood memory disorders and the use of the drug Tetrahydrobiopterin to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with Phenylketonuria. Dr Marsh currently is the trial coordinator for a national randomised control trial looking at a type of therapy for young people with a neurological genetic condition, called tuberous sclerosis complex. Dr Marsh has published peer-reviewed work on neuroimaging, neurocognitive tool development, interventions and treatment for neurocognitive disorders, and neurodegeneration. He has presented his work at regional, national and international conferences.
Dr Marsh is also active in various professional activities supporting the profession of Clinical Psychology. His work has covered:
Member of the Board of Directors for the Association of Clinical Psychologists, UK as Director for Trainees
Welsh National Representative for Trainees, Association of Clinical Psychologists, UK
Founding member of the UK Training in Clinical Psychology Collaboration Group
Member of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee, South Wales Doctor of Clinical Psychology Training Programme
Founding member and Former Chair of the South Wales Clinical Training in Neuropsychology Group
Member of the South Wales Doctor of Clinical Psychology – Neuropsychology Training Task and Finishing Group
Member of the BPS Assistant Psychologist Practice Guidance Working Group
Member of the Professional Standards Board within the British Psychological Society's Division of Neuropsychology
During this time he has founded a national trainee network, written a number of guidance documents for the training of clinical psychologists, and supported curriculum development for doctoral neuropsychology training.
Specialist Training in Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology
Dr Marsh's specialist training was undertaken at the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UCL and was delivered in accordance with the knowledge component of the British Psychological Society 2019 Clinical Neuropsychology Standards for Accreditation (Paediatric Programmes).
Introduction to Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
The historical, theoretical and methodological foundations of developmental cognitive neuroscience.
The principles behind a range of cognitive neuroscience methodologies and how they may be integrated to inform clinical practice.
Detailed knowledge of human neuroanatomy
Advanced Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Quantitative structural and functional neuroimaging
Quantitative electrophysiology including event-related paradigms
Experimental cognitive techniques
How these advanced techniques informs current or future clinical neuropsychology practice.
Professional Issues for Paediatric Neuropsychologists
Practice of paediatric neuropsychology within different professional contexts, such as clinical neuroscience centres, child and adolescent mental health teams, educational systems, forensic work, and medico-legal work
Ethical dilemmas within clinical case work and describe appropriate professional pathways for working through such dilemmas
Responsibilities and roles of Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists and Paediatric Neuropsychologists
Development of the Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Neural Systems
Typical and potentially atypical development of neural systems subserving sensory, motor, cognitive and social functions.
The typical neuroanatomical and functional development of each sensory, motor, cognitive and social neural system and the integration between systems.
Major theories of cognitive development
Development Conditions and Neuropsychological Profiles
Aetiological (causal) factors and the underlying neuropathology in a range of developmental and acquired brain and medical conditions
Neuropsychological outcome following neurosurgical treatment
Neuropsychological outcome of a range of acquired and developmental conditions, such as epilepsy, stroke, sickle cell disease, traumatic brain injury, autistic spectrum condition, ADHD, and dyslexia
Research techniques for evidence based practice and environmental influences on outcomes
Infant and Neurodevelopmental Assessment
Specialised assessment and support strategies for infants and children at risk of developmental delay who require early neurodevelopmental assessment.
Principles and practice of clinical neurodevelopmental assessment batteries that measure sequential neurodevelopmental steps in early cognitive, language and motor development.
Experimental applications, such as EEG and eye tracking for assessment attention, for investigating the timing and organisation of very early cognitive and social skills in infants.
Assessment of Neuropsychological Disorders and Their Functional Implications
Underpinning principles of neuropsychological assessment in children and adolescents and the many variables involved in the administration, interpretation and reporting of neuropsychological assessments.
Integration of neuropsychological data with measures of brain function to improve diagnosis and prognosis in different cases.
Strengths and weaknesses of various tests used for assessing different components of cognition and behaviour and how to evaluate new tests as they are developed.
Test interpretation within the context of individual cases and describing potential functional implications.
Production of neuropsychological formulations that reflect the complex range of variables involved in paediatric clinical cases.
Developing Clinical Formulations and Interventions
Demonstrate the processes involved in integrating multiple sources of neuroscientific and neuropsychological knowledge from different elements of the course to produce an informed neuropsychological clinical formulation.
Organisational systems and health and educational policies that are relevant to children with developmental learning difficulties or acquired brain injury.
Understand a range of specific intervention techniques, including compensatory techniques, person-centred approaches, restorative interventions and specialist methods.
The influence of the environment on rehabilitative outcomes as well as clinical issues involved when working with families and support staff to aid adjustment.
Doctoral Clinical Training
Although the core requirements of a practitioner psychologist (outlined by the Healthcare Professionals Council) and requirements for an accredited Doctor of Clinical Psychology Programme (outlined by the British Psychological Society) are met by all training institutions, the precise curriculum studied varies. Below is an outline of the study undertaken by Dr Marsh as part of his doctoral clinical training.
Professional Practice
The Biopsychosocial Approach
Professional and Ethical Issues in Clinical Practice
Psychology in a Legal Context
Mental Capacity
Policy Application and Relevance to Clinical Practice Settings
Professional Practice Issues
Developing Cultural Competence in Clinical Psychology Practice
Challenges and opportunities of Inter-Professional Working
Systemic approaches to Diversity, Race and Culture
Systemic Case Consultation
Leadership and organisational change
Supervising other professionals
Setting up a service
Working with Teams and Providing Consultation in Clinical Settings
Leadership Training: Re-designing a service-pathway
Everyday Leadership as a Clinical Psychologist
Providing Staff and Peer Support
Systemic Consultation: Leading a Consultation
Neuropsychology & Neurodevelopmental Disability
Introduction to Neuropsychology
Introduction to Psychometric Testing
Principles and Practice in Normal Ageing
Level A Psychological Testing
Neuropsychology 1: Memory
Neuropsychology 2: Executive Functioning
Assessment & Diagnosis of Dementia
Therapeutic Approaches in Dementia
Principles and Practice in Stroke
Paediatric Neuropsychology (Part 1)
Paediatric Neuropsychology (Part 2)
Paediatric Neuropsychology (Part 3)
Paediatric Neuropsychology (Part 4)
Communication in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Profound and Multiple Learning Disability & Intensive Interactions
Case Workshops in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Sex and relationships in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Dementia in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Attachment in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Neurodevelopmental Disability and mental health (Team Formulation) .
Functional Neurological Conditions
An introduction to Intellectual & Developmental Disability - History and current concepts
Typical Development in Childhood
Principles and Practice for Parenting
Talking with Children and Young People
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Disclosure and Trauma-Focused Recovery
Working Psychologically with Care Leavers
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
Principles and Practice in Adolescence
Principles and Practice in Attachment
Introduction to Child Health
Principles and Practice in Sleep for children and young people
Working with looked after children
Paediatric Anxiety
Paediatric Depression
Paediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Paediatric Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Paedtirc Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Paediatric Complex PTSD
Family Functioning and Development
Physical Health
Introduction to Health Psychology
Introduction to Child Health
Health Anxiety
Complexity in Clinical Practice
Principles and Practice in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Gender and sexual orientation: systemic approaches
Understanding the potential psychosocial impact of living with a visible difference.
Working with addictions
Working with teams from an attachment-informed perspective
Working with complexity: Adult Attachment
Working with behaviours that challenge
Positive Behaviour Support
Mental Health
Panic, Agoraphobia and Specific Phobia
Health Anxiety
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Social Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Grief and Loss
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Eating Disorders
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
Reflective Practice and Learning
Reflective Practice
The Reflective Practitioner
Learning from Experts by Experience
Learning from Experts by Experience: Accessible Communication and Self-Advocacy
Learning from Experts by Experience: Co-production
Learning Through Lived Experience
Lived Experience among Trainees and Professionals: Breakdown as Systemic Intervention
Research Training
Research Methods: Quantitative Approaches
Research Methods: Statistics
Research Methods: Qualitative Approaches
Research Methods: Systematic Reviews; Rep Grids/Q-Methodology
Level A Testing
Audit and Service Evaluation
Academic Writing
Feasibility, Pilot and Clinical Trials
Therapeutic Clinical Training
Dr Marsh’s main therapeutic training is in cognitive & behavioural therapies and family systems therapy.
Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies
Dr Marsh has undertaken advanced training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In 2021, he completed the Level 2 advanced training in Focussed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr Russ Harris, which covered the latest research about the high effectiveness of brief therapy interventions, learning how to apply these approaches with people who struggle with depression, anxiety, addictions, chronic pain syndrome, medical problems, and a range of other common clinical problems. In 2020, he completed a specialist course by the British Psychological Society’s Division of Neuropsychology in applying ACT for people with Neurological Conditions. In 2021, he undertook additional ACT training for teenagers with Dr Louise Hayes - learning how to apply the DNA-V model. He has also undertaken additional training in the use of Self-Compassion in ACT by Dr Russ Harris, through Contextual Consulting.
Lastly, he has also undertaken training in Compassion Focussed Therapy with Dr Chris Irons, author of the Compassionate Mind.
As part of his doctoral training at Cardiff University, he completed the study in different therapies, which are detailed in the modules below.
Systemic and Family Therapy
Dr Marsh has also undergone additional training in Systemic and Family Therapy. He completed his Foundation Level Training in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice at Cardiff University (2018-2020). This training provided an understanding of the underlying theory and principles of systemic practice with families, couples and other systems, as well as an overview and framework of different approaches and models of systemic family therapy. Dr Marsh holds a knowledge of a range of systemic approaches and applications to practice with different groups of individuals (e.g. mental health, those with neurodevelopmental challenges etc.). During his study and practice, Dr Marsh demonstrated familiarity with key pieces of research on family and couples therapy, especially in current areas of practice, including providing feedback and service evaluation. A key principle of systemic practice is that practitioners have a knowledge and awareness of the influence of the wider social context (including: gender, race, age, ability, culture, education, sexuality) on themselves and the individuals they work with, whilst being able to consider how inequalities and power differentials impact on people’s lives and systemic practices.
Dr Marsh abides by the Association of Family Therapy code of ethics and has demonstrated through practice, an ability to use ethical decision-making, especially in relation to safeguarding, confidentiality and consent. The elements of this training are outlined in the modules below.
Generic CBT Skills
Introduction to CBT – Part 1
Introduction to CBT – Part 2
CBT Skills Workshop
Mindfulness Based Cognitive therapy
Working with Imagery
Adapting CBT for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adapting CBT for people with Neurodevelopmental Disability
CBT Adaptations for Older Adults
Condition Specific CBT Skills
CBT for Depression
CBT for Panic, Agoraphobia and Specific Phobia
CBT for Health anxiety
CBT for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
CBT for Social Anxiety
CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
CBT for Working with Loss
CBT for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
CBT for Eating disorders
CBT for Psychosis
CBT for Children and Young Persons
Introduction to CBT in Children and Young Persons
CBT for Anxiety in Children and Young Persons
CBT for Depression in Children and Young Persons
CBT for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children and Young Persons
CBT for Body dysmorphic disorder in Children and Young Persons
Cognitive Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Young Persons (Part 1)
Cognitive Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Young Persons (Part 2)
Cognitive Therapy for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Young Persons
Bringing the Family into CBT (Part 1)
Bringing the Family into CBT (Part 2)
Adapting CBT for Autistic Children and Young People
Using Metaphor and Storytelling in CBT with children, young people and families
Sleep in Children and Young Persons
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy in Children and Young People
Attachment-Informed Therapy
Attachment in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Working with teams from an attachment-informed perspective
Attachment-based family therapy
Working with complexity: Adult Attachment Difficulties
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS)
Positive Behavioural Support – Part 1: Introduction and Assessment
Positive Behavioural Support – Part 2: Intervention
Positive Behavioural Support – Part 3: Implementation and Monitoring
Positive Behavioural Support – Part 4: Management
Family & Systemic Therapy Accredited Training
Introduction to Systemic Thinking and applying to family life
Deepening understanding about family development
Building the alliance in family interventions
Working systemically with couples
Systemic models in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Systemic thinking in Neurodevelopmental Disability (Paediatrics)
Systemic therapy with Children & Young People and those with neurodevelopmental disability - 'Working ethically, thinking systemically and bringing yourself'
Introduction to systemic therapy in Adult Mental Health (Part 1 & 2)
Independent study on the Milan School of Family Therapy and Circular Questioning Techniques
Family interventions in psychosis
Family interventions in adolescent eating disorders
Attachment-based family therapy
Systemic case consultation
Systemic approaches to Diversity Race and Culture
Systemic Consultation: Leading a consultation
Thinking systemically about families with Multi-Disciplinary Teams
Additional Family and Systemic Therapy Informed Training
Attachment in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Case workshops in Neurodevelopmental Disability
Introduction to Child Health
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
Normal Ageing
Attachment Training
Talking with children and young people
Welsh Language and Culture
Safe Practice
Building Therapeutic Relationship
Therapeutic Approaches in Dementia
Bereavement across the life span
Sexual Diversity
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Disclosure and Trauma-focussed Recovery
Sexual Risk
Working with behaviours that challenge
Positive Behaviour Support
Attachment-Trauma Focussed Therapy
Doing therapy briefly
Bringing the family into CBT
Working with looked after children